Shelter Worker Training


For front line shelter workers, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; shelter operations; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents, turnaways, and service restrictions; communications, and reports.

🙋‍♀️ Introduction to HIFIS 4

The Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) is a comprehensive data collection and case management system designed to better understand what is happening in your community and to work collaboratively.

👤 Clients
The Client – Vitals page is the landing page when accessing a client’s profile. From this page, you can view or edit the client’s vitals - the basic information about a client that is required when creating a Client record, add a comment about the Client’s file and access all information and activi…
📝 Consent

The Consent module is used to record any consent given or denied by the client related to service provider services. You can indicate if the consent was given, at which date and even attach signed documents. 

👩‍👧‍👦 Families

The Family module is used to keep track of a client’s family members and the role each member has in the family. Family roles include dependant, family head and partner. When a client is linked to a family, they can be managed as a family unit for certain activities, such as book ins. 

🏕️ Housing History

The Housing History module is used to keep track of the client’s past and present housing situation.

💵 Financial Profile

The Financial Profile module allows users to help clients manage their finances by tracking their income, expenses, assets and debts. Once values are added, visual representations of the client’s financial profile will appear.

🛌 Admissions

The Admissions module encompasses the Stays, Reservations and Bed Availability features. The Stays feature allows users to see who is currently booked into their service provider, as well as book clients or families in and out.


The VI-SPDAT helps identify who should be recommended for each housing and support intervention, moving the discussion from simply who is eligible for a service intervention to who is eligible and in greatest need of that intervention. While the SPDAT is an assessment tool, the VI-SPDAT is a survey that anyone could complete, to help prioritize clients.

🧦 Goods & Services

Goods & Services offer ways for staff to record that they provided clients with tangible Goods or helpful Services that are not connected to an overall case plan.

🚒 Incidents

The Incidents module is used to record incidents involving clients, other people and/or staff. Incidents refer to a specific, non-ongoing event.

⛔ Service Restrictions

The Service Restrictions module records services that a client is restricted from, which service providers have restricted them and for how long. It also records the reason why the services were restricted. Clients can be restricted from the following modules: Stays, Food Banks and Goods and Services. When a client is restricted from service, a Client Alert appears under their profile.

↩️ Turnaways

The Turn Aways module is used to record when a client is denied service and the reasons why they were denied.

📫 Communications

There are three types of communications in HIFIS: Bulletins, Broadcasts, and Messaging.

The Bulletins module is an electronic bulletin board system used to advise staff of important information, such as team meetings, fire drills or incidents concerning a specific client.

The Messaging module is …

📊 Reports

The Reports module is used to generate reports. Reports can be high-level for system analysis (eg. monthly inflow/outflow, funding requirements), or simply provide a useful output for front line staff (eg. a bed list, case management overview).