Housing-Based Case Manager Training

This course provides standard training for staff equipped with the Quick Start Housing-Based Case Manager rights template developed by ACRE Consulting. In 3 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; case management; the housing search process; VAT & SPDAT assessments; goods, and financial assistance.

👤 Clients

The Client – Vitals page is the landing page when accessing a client’s profile. From this page, you can view or edit the client’s vitals - the basic information about a client that is required when creating a Client record, add a comment about the Client’s file and access all information and activities linked to the client record.

When accessing activities linked directly to the client, two menus will always be available: Client Information and Client Management. The Client Information menu is where detailed information about the client can be entered whereas the Client Management menu allows direct access to the HIFIS modules where you can track the activities done with a client.
Peter Pan - Enforce Consent v4.0
Get consent before you add a client file

Peter Pan - Add Client 2021-08-24 22
How to create a client file

Peter Pan - Add Client - Housing History 2021-08-24 22
How to record a client's current or most recent place of residence

Keys In Door
How to indicate that a client is deceased

Keys In Door
How to record a client's contact information

Client Information - Comments 2017 (Samwise)
How to record general notes about a client

📝 Consent

The Consent module is used to record any consent given or denied by the client related to service provider services. You can indicate if the consent was given, at which date and even attach signed documents. 

Howtomodifyaclientsconsentrecordoraddanewone 2022-10-31
How to modify a client's consent record or add a new one

👩‍👧‍👦 Families

The Family module is used to keep track of a client’s family members and the role each member has in the family. Family roles include dependant, family head and partner. When a client is linked to a family, they can be managed as a family unit for certain activities, such as book ins. 

Create A New Family - Wendy Darling 2024-05-31
How to group clients into families

Update Family Memberships - Wendy Darling 2024-05-31
How to update family membership

🏕️ Housing History

The Housing History module is used to keep track of the client’s past and present housing situation.

Robin Hood - Housing History 2019
How to log a client's housing and homeless history

💵 Financial Profile

The Financial Profile module allows users to help clients manage their finances by tracking their income, expenses, assets and debts. Once values are added, visual representations of the client’s financial profile will appear.

Robin-Hood-Income 2022-08-10 v59
How to record a client's source of income

Robin-Hood-Expenses 2022-04-08 v59
How to record a client's expenses

Robin-Hood-Debts 2022-04-08 v59
How to record a client's debts or arrears

Robin-Hood-Assets 2022-04-08 v59
How to record a client's financial assets

🗃️ Documents

Samwise - Identification
How to keep a record of a client's identification

Keys In Door
How to upload a document to a client file

🤹‍♀️ Miscellaneous Client Information

Peter Pan - Contributing Factors v59 2022-10-26
How to add a barrier to housing

Peter Pan - Identifying Watch Concern v59 2022-10-26
How to identify a client with a watch concern

Peter-Pan-Watch-Concern 2022-04-08 22
How to add a watch concern alert for a client


The Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPDAT) was developed as an assessment tool for frontline workers at agencies that work with homeless clients to prioritize which of those clients should receive assistance first. 

The Vulnerability Assessment Tool (VAT), developed at the Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) in Seattle, Washington, provides a structured way of measuring an individual's vulnerability to continued instability.

Van Helsing - Spdat 2022-04-08 22
How to complete a SPDAT (or VAT) assessment

🧙‍♂️ Case Management

The Case Management module allows the service provider to keep records of the activities done with a client to reach pre-determined goals. Each goal (desired outcome) that a caseworker and client work towards is a  separate record in the Case Management module. For example, if a client  has a mental health issue they would like to work on and would also like  to find employment, two Case Management records would be created for  the client.

Robin Hood  - Understand Case Management And Add Case 2022-05-03 22
Understanding case management in HIFIS 4

Robin Hood - Case Session 59 2022-05-03 22
How to record a session with a client

Robin Hood - Case Document
How to upload a document to a case file

Robin Hood - Case Comments
How to record case notes

Robin Hood - Close Case
How to close a case file

🏠 Housing Placements

The Housing Placement module covers a client's housing search process from the time they are assigned to a case manager through to the time that they are housed and no longer requiring supports.

Housing Placement Module Overview 2024-05-27
Understanding housing placements

Frankenstein - Add Housing Placement 57 2022-05-03 22
How to add a housing placement

Frankenstein - Housing Placement Attempt 2022-05-03 22
How to record a housing attempt

Frankenstein - Housing Placement Add And Secure 57 2022-05-03 22
How to add and secure a housing unit for your client

Frankenstein - Housing Placement Move In 2022-05-03 22
How to move a client into a secured housing unit

How-To-Upload-A-Document-To-A-Housing-Placement 2022-05-03 22
How to upload a document to a housing placement

Frankenstein - Housing Placement Subsidy 2022-05-03 22
How to record a housing subsidy

Frankenstein - Housing Placement Follow-Up 57 2022-05-03 22
How to follow up and close the file after move in

🧦 Goods & Services

Goods & Services offer ways for staff to record that they provided clients with tangible Goods or helpful Services that are not connected to an overall case plan.

Peter-Pan-Goods-Amp-Services-List 2022-04-07 22
Understanding goods & services

Peter Pan - Express Good 2021-08-24 v4.0
How to record that you provided a client with some goods

⛔ Service Restrictions

The Service Restrictions module records services that a client is restricted from, which service providers have restricted them and for how long. It also records the reason why the services were restricted. Clients can be restricted from the following modules: Stays, Food Banks and Goods and Services. When a client is restricted from service, a Client Alert appears under their profile.

Robin-Hood-Identifying-A-Service-Restriction 2022-04-07 22
How to identify when a client has been restricted from accessing services

🏁 End of Course

Keys In Door
Reaching Home reporting requirements