One of the first things that we're going to need to do is to actually set up our pit count event.Now, logged in as an administrator, ACRE the service provider that is going to be the host of this pit event, we're going to use the pit count menu and then click on events.If you haven't already set up an event, you should have this available button that says add pit event.Now, you can only have one event going on at a time.So if you already have an event here, you should not see the add pit event instead, you'll see your event listed with an edit button to the side.
Right now, we're gonna click on add pit event.First, we need to define our event start and end time.So let's imagine I want to run this event on April 4th from 7 o'clock PM to 11:30 p.M.Now we've defined our start date and time and our end date and time.
Optionally you can enter what is the minimum survey ACRE.So for example your surveyors can't survey anyone under the age of 16.Next, we need to indicate the province and the city that our pick count is going to be existing in.So once you select your province, the city drop down menu is going to look up to see what cities are in that province.Now, this is quite a long list.
You can scroll through or you can also type into the field to find matching options and then just click on the option to select it.Now some communities are going to be doing a joint pick count for multiple closely related cities such as across a region, you will still need to select one city, it is a mandatory field here.Next, we're going to select the pit template.Now the pit count template 2018 has been programmed in by the federal government's to include all of the HPS questions, as well as all of the optional Canadian Observatory on homelessness questions.So when we select this template, it's going to automatically give us the questions that we need that we can later customize.
The next field here live survey offset number.This we would put a value in here if we are doing a bunch of paper surveys and also a bunch of digital surveys.So you might for example have 500 copies of the survey printed on paper and maybe they Ali have a number attached to them numbers 1 through 500.So when your staff are entering something in directly through HIFIS then the first number of that survey might be 501.So this is what the live survey offset number is.
If that doesn't apply to you, you can just leave that at 0.Next, we have a few settings that we can set.First of all, hidden homelessness.We can optionally choose whether for this point in time count we are going to be including people who are experiencing hidden homelessness.This is going to change the way that the screening questions work.
So if you say I am including people experiencing hidden homelessness then the screening is going to operate differently than than if you say no I'm excluding everyone who is experiencing hidden homelessness.Set whichever is appropriate for your community.This registry week toggle you can activate if you are doing a point in time count and registry week so what this will enable is after you are completing the survey when you're done it'll give you the option to create a VI SPDAT.Next we have period prevalence count so we can indicate whether we're using a period prevalence count or not and the interviewee ID field will allow you to provide a unique identifier for each person being surveyed whether this is going to be their SIN number or a date of birth or any other identification number that you can assign to an interviewee to try to avoid duplicates in particular if you're doing a prevalence count or multiple events over a period of time.Next, we can provide some comments and provide some additional information about this point in time count.
This is entirely optional, you can provide any notes that you need to keep track of for your point in time count and finally we want to make sure that this is in fact an active event or we're not going to be able to complete any surveys for it.Once you have all of those values set up, we can click Save and we will be able to modify those later if we need to.So now we have returned to our list of point in time count events and on the right hand side we have our green data save notification which shows that this has been saved properly.Here is the event that we just created attached to this organization which is the owner of this point in time count event.Now to make any modifications to it we're going to click the edit button to the right hand side the one that looks like a pencil or alternatively you could delete the event entirely if you need to.