In order to conduct a pit count, at least some of the people are going to need the ability to enter a survey into Hyphasis.These might be volunteers or they might be existing HyFis users.In order to make this function, we are going to need to set up rights templates for these users who are going to be entering data for the pit count.So logged in as the administrator, ACRE use the administration menu and click on rights templates to see this rights template list.In all likelihood, your community already has some rights templates already set up.
But if you don't, then you can use the add template button to create a brand new rights template for the occasion or you can edit an existing rights template to give current HIFIS users additional permissions for the pick count.You would do that simply by clicking the edit button to the right hand side of the rights template.Regardless of whether you're adding a new rights template or editing an existing one, you're going to need to make sure that the template is active Consulting to the rights, the template rights tab.We're going to need to make sure that users with this rights template will be able to complete the necessary tasks within HIFIS.There are a few rights here that are essential for your volunteers to have.
First of all, is the ability to log on.The second and important section is this pit count module here.There are a variety of rates that you can assign to your users but let's go through some of the important ones.First of all, anyone who's going to be doing anything with the pick count needs access to the pick count module.Then, if your volunteers with this template, your users are going to be live surveyors.
That means they'll be entering data on a phone or a tablet as they walk around and survey people during the pick count event.Then we would use this live surveyor right.Right here.If instead, the person will be doing data entry after the fact, we would use this data entry personnel right instead.So this would be used if we're using paper surveys that'll get handed in at the end of the event and someone will take the paper surveys and translate them into HIFIS.
Next, optionally, we can also give this user the ability to list surveys and have access to existing completed surveys.So the combination of these two rights, list surveys and access to survey which go together would allow a surveyor to review the surveys that they have already completed.So if they needed to make any modifications, then they could go back and change something or see how many they've completed.In addition, you might be completing a registry week.So there are a few registry week rights here that could be important.
You could give a user permission to conduct a registry week, which is to say, completing a VI SPDAT after the survey has been completed.You also might give them the ability to search for existing clients.If you don't give them this permission, then they're gonna be creating their brand new client files here.If you give them the ability to search for clients, they could look up a client within HIFIS and not create a duplicate if that would be the case.There are some other permissions here as well, but these are typically not used for your pit count end users.
Your volunteers and your staff who are running around and doing the survey on the pit count event.For example, you could give someone the ability to administrate.Add locations where you are going to be completing the survey.Add shifts or keep track of who are the volunteers and add new ones.But these are typically only used for administrative Ryder positions.
Once you have all of the correct rights set up, then our rights template is done and all we need to do now is assign it to the user templates.