Available Courses

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Getting Started with HIFIS

This course is a beginner’s introduction to HIFIS 4. In just over an hour, this course covers accessing HIFIS and getting oriented to the layout, as well as understanding client files, communications, and reports: basic information that almost every HIFIS user should know.


HIFIS Overview & Coordinated Access

Are you a system-level manager or an executive director and trying to get a handle on how this whole HIFIS thing works? This course gives you the big picture of HIFIS, covering the whats, the whys, and the hows. What are your obligations under Reaching Home? Why should you be bothering to get your staff to do data entry? How can this system benefit you? This course answers these questions and more.


Shelter Worker Training

For front line shelter workers, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; shelter operations; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents, turnaways, and service restrictions; communications, and reports.


Day Program Worker Training

For day program workers, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents; service restrictions; communications, and reports.


Housing-Based Case Manager Training

For housing-based case managers, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; case management; the housing search process; VAT & SPDAT assessments; goods, and financial assistance; communications, and running reports.


Prevention Worker Training

For eviction prevention workers, this course covers: logging into and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; housing loss prevention; providing goods and services; the VI-SPDAT assessment; turnaways, incidents, and service restrictions; communications, and running reports.


Outreach Worker Training (Interim)

For outreach workers, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; providing goods, services, and group activities; outreach mapping; communications; and running reports.

For users of HIFIS 4.0.60 or higher.


Outreach ICM Training (Interim)

For outreach staff who do deliver professional, intensive case management, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; case management; the VI-SPDAT, SPDAT, and VAT assessments; providing goods and services; outreach mapping; communications, and running reports.

For users of HIFIS 4.0.60 or higher.


Supportive Housing Worker Training (Interim)

For supportive housing program workers, this course covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, financial and health information, and other client information; case management; VAT & SPDAT assessments; appointments; communications, and running reports.


Diversion Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for staff who use HIFIS for diversion. Because this is a newer module, it's not part of the core training for any of our other roles yet, so this is intended as a supplement to other training.


Health Support Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for any staff who use HIFIS to record health-related information. It is intended for staff who have already received training about the core HIFIS functions. In this course, we will cover such topics as: tracking a client's dietary requirements, recording health issues, noting what medications a client requires, securely dispensing medication to clients, and doing pill counts.


Shelter Supervisor Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for shelter staff who also perform supervisory functions. It includes: managing shelter beds; user accounts; service restrictions; coordinated access; and some light administrative tasks.


Housing Supervisor Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for housing-based case management supervisors. It includes: managing the housing unit inventory; user accounts; the directory of services; people; coordinated access; and some light administrative tasks.


Supervisor Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for supervisors. It includes: managing user accounts; the directory of services; people; coordinated access; and some light administrative tasks.


HIFIS Local Administrator Training

This training covers many administrative functions in HIFIS that might be delegated to someone who administers a portion of the system - a "Local" administrator. Topics covered include: service providers; user accounts; rights; programs; reports; coordinated access; configuration for admissions, housing placements, food banks, waiting lists, and goods and services modules; lookup tables; the directory of services; people; custom tables and questionnaires; and some system settings and administrative tasks.

Total learning time is around 3.5 hours.


HIFIS System Administrator Training

This training covers all administrative functions within HIFIS and is useful for high level system administrators. Topics covered include: service providers; clusters; user accounts; rights; programs; reports; coordinated access; configuration for admissions, housing placements, food banks, waiting lists, and goods and services modules; lookup tables; the directory of services; people; custom tables and questionnaires; and various system settings and administrative tasks.

Total learning time is around 4.25 hours.


Local Community Entity HIFIS Training (BC)

This training covers the high-level administrative functions that Community Entities, in their role as a local administrator of the BC Housing instance of HIFIS, might be expected to perform.  Topics covered include: user accounts; programs; reports; configuration for admissions, housing placements, food banks, waiting lists, and goods and services modules; lookup tables; the directory of services; people; custom tables and questionnaires; and various administrative tasks.

Total learning time is around 2.5 hours.

Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Training

This course, for PIT Count volunteers, teaches how to complete surveys for the 2020 Canadian Point In Time Count in HIFIS 4.

Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Administration

This course, for PIT Count organizers, was designed to help Canadian communities set up HIFIS 4 for their 2020 Point in Time Counts.